
Back to School? Don’t be a Fool! 

September, the defining month for when everything starts to change once again. 

End of summer. Back to school. The start to the final quarter, quarter 4. September starts to signify a real change, and the pressing importance of getting prepared in order to get your business ahead. 

In the same way you may have been getting your children ready to return to school, organising checklists and constructing their game plan, it’s time to apply the same principles towards your business! 

In the spirit of back to school, let’s talk about what your digital marketing checklist needs and how you can achieve that – successfully getting ahead.  

Why do you need to get ahead? 

In their 2021 report, HubSpot found that 63% of businesses increased their digital marketing budget*, signalling the growing importance of digital marketing, and how businesses are investing more of their time, money and energy into their strategies. 

However, more money is not the sole reason for better results. Even if you don’t have an unlimited budget for digital marketing, you don’t need to fall behind. But you still need to be in the same ballpark as everyone else, and make some sort of attempt with your digital marketing. 

After all, over 20% of businesses attribute their lead generation and success to their marketing efforts**. You don’t want to be left behind, right? 

What do you need to achieve this? 

What do your current digital marketing efforts look like? Let’s refer to our checklist below! 

  1. Your digital shopfront is open and ready 

Otherwise, your leads will have nowhere else to go! 

  1. Your content is useful and engaging 

Don’t make content for the sake of making content, make sure you’re providing value 

  1. You’re using the right channels 

Does your business really need TikTok? Or is it something you think you need, just because it’s popular? 

  1. You have a strategy in place 

Every move you make needs to have a reason why, always refer back to your strategy!

  1. You’re getting results 

If you’re not getting results, it might be time to rethink… 

How can you achieve this? 

Local business owners, we’re here to help. If there’s anything you’re missing on your checklist, or you don’t know where to begin – we’ve got an ideal opportunity for you. 

Introducing our business growth forum… For more information, do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the team!

*Source: https://www.hubspot.com/hubfs/State-of-Marketing%20(2).pdf 

**Source: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2022/04/19/digital-marketing-statistics

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